by Achadu Gabriel, Kaduna

In a cross-examination of the current surge in prices of food stuffs in Nigeria against the backdrop of the Covid-19 era, Mrs. Margaret Kwa’ada Julius, a beacon of humanitarian efforts stands very tall.

Throughout the total lockdown aimed at curbing the spread of the corona virus, Mrs Margaret continued with her humanitarian field work tirelessly, courtesy of the authorization obtained from Kaduna State Commissioner of Police.

Mrs. Margaret, not only a founder and CEO of ‘The Eye Opener Youth and Women Foundation’ – a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), based in Kaduna – but also the visionary behind a popular ‘Njir Hoba Multipurpose Cooperative Society/Foundation.’ 

Mrs. Margaret K. Julius, founder of “The Eye Opener” Foundation

 Her leadership and unwavering commitment to social problems have been recognised in multiple fronts. Firstly, as the recipient of the 2021 and 2022 WHO, World No Tobacco (WNT) Award, the 2024 Global Award in prevention and training of Substance Abuse Disorder by the Ecolink Institute of Well-being India.

Secondly and, notably, for her excellence in service to humanity and protection of the ecosystem in 2022, by the African Institute of Waste Management and Environmental Studies (AIWMES), respectively. Indeed, Margaret provides critical insights into navigating and surmounting these obstacles.

“Today, Nigeria is grappling with a dire crisis, marked by security concerns, a surge in drug abuse, and widespread hunger, exacerbated by the inflation of food prices – a crisis threatening to unravel the social fabric of our nation and cast a pall over the prospects of future generations.

“Yet, in this moment of turmoil, the resilience and spirit of the Nigerian populace shine as a beacon of hope. It is a time for collective willpower, unity, and empathy to come to the forefront in healing our beloved country. I call upon every Nigerian – young and old, leaders and led – to recognize and actively participate in the healing and rejuvenation in every corner of our diverse nation.

“For those active on social media, your platforms serve as powerful tools for change. In a world where information spreads at breakneck speed, you have the unique ability to influence perceptions and spark meaningful change. Let us choose to highlight the narratives of resilience, unity, and hope that permeate our country, inspiring action and bridging divides in the digital sphere. Let every share and like contribute to a narrative of a united, flourishing Nigeria,” she said.

“Our security personnel, who stand on the frontlines of national challenges, deserve our utmost respect and support. Their dedication to maintaining peace and safety, often at great personal risk, must not go unnoticed. As a nation, we must extend our support through actions and respect, fostering a collaborative environment that ensures the safety and security of all Nigerians. Their unwavering commitment to justice and peace is pivotal to our nation’s healing journey,” she added.

Mrs. Julius stressed thus: “To every citizen, from the North to the South, East to West, our diversity is our most significant asset. Our myriad cultures, languages, and traditions enrich the tapestry of our nation. It’s imperative we celebrate our differences and unite under the common goal of a prosperous, peaceful Nigeria. The challenges we face are collective, and only through unity can we surmount them.

“Policymakers and implementers carry the weight of our collective future through their decisions. It is crucial that their actions prioritize the well-being of the broader populace, embracing inclusivity, fairness, and sustainability. Every policy and project must aim to meet the diverse needs of Nigerians across all walks of life, ensuring a balanced and prosperous future for every citizen.

“Nigeria stands at a pivotal junction – with the potential to either succumb to division or rise through unity and strength. It’s within our power to transform our collective adversities into a unified purpose. Let us, as a nation, rally together with determination to overcome any obstacle. Let us heal our land through our deeds, our words, and the compassion in our hearts.

“To our revered spiritual leaders, your influence extends far beyond your congregations, touching the hearts and minds of our national community. In these challenging times, your guidance towards unity, peace, and compassion is more crucial than ever. Your ability to unite diverse groups under a common banner of humanity and shared purpose is invaluable in our journey towards national healing.

“This message goes out to everyone feeling marginalised, rejected, or lost in despair: you are seen, valued, and integral to the fabric of our nation. Your struggles contribute to the resilience and unity that define us as Nigerians. Remember, the night is darkest just before the dawn, and your current trials do not define your future.

“Let this be a rallying cry for all Nigerians to acknowledge the unseen, listen to the unheard, and uplift the downtrodden. Together, we can forge a society where every individual is valued, every voice is heard, and every life is celebrated.

“To those in the throes of hopelessness: know that your narrative is still unfolding, with brighter chapters on the horizon. Your resilience lights the way for others, marking you as a vital contributor to our nation’s legacy. Together, we can ascend from despair to hope, rekindling our shared humanity and rebuilding a Nigeria where everyone finds belonging, prosperity and pride.

“With hope and unwavering faith in our collective spirit, let’s embark on this journey of restoration and unity. United we embody the hope and future of Nigeria,” she stated.

By MbNewss

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